Siatista rises against Kosti’s murder

A year passed since the brutal murder of Kostis Polyzos and Siatista rises and stir up the stagnant waters of Justice. The town cannot help wondering about the inaction in the investigations and the freezing of the case of the heinous crime.

Even the relatives suddenly have stopped caring about the murderers’ arrest.

The massive file with the grave contradictions of the key witnesses, the indications and all the elements have been already send to the Public Prosecutor’s office, waiting for the examination to begin. Unfortunately nothing is being done

In the mean while the rumors are reveling, as they show poor Kostis trapped in a case of financial crime. Who and why took advantage of him? Is this case related to his murder? Why didn’t the Police found the cleaning company, which is supposed to have been called in a specific place, one day after his disappearance? Unless if there are people, who like to spread such rumors in order to slander the suspects.


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